Growing Up In NZ

Growing Up In New Zealand, Part 7: New Zealand Rural Life
Lance Mc Caskill – 17/3/00 A firsthand account of growing up in South Canterbury early in the twentieth century left by well-known naturalist, the late Lance McCaskill Lancelot William McCaskill was born in Winchester, South Canterbury, on 8 May, 1900. His parents, Daniel McCaskill and Janet (nee Bisset) were both born in New Zealand to…

Growing Up In New Zealand, Part 6
Dorothy – 17/12/99 What influences impact powerfully on young people growing up? For Zoe and Alan they were the family, the codes of home discipline, the Church, the school….. Zoe Hepburn (born 1907) looks back. Zoe feels that she had a fortunate upbringing as she had clear guidelines given her about behaviour, but also a…

Growing Up In New Zealand, Part 5: Women’s work 1900-1925
Dorothy – 11/11/99 Growing up in the first quarter of the twentieth century Con Davidson nee Clegg (born 1907) recalls how her mother coped as bread winner. Life around Lyttelton 1907-1915 My life began in Cass Bay near Lyttelton, the port of Christchurch, where my father managed the slaughter works. As the youngest in a…
Growing Up In New Zealand, Part 3: 1918
Dorothy – 15/10/99 Cyril looks back at his childhood – born 1912 My parents were very caring and tried to bring me up well. I believe I had a very secure childhood. At that time children all knew that they had to accept authority at home, at school and in the church. We weren’t allowed…

Growing Up In New Zealand, Part 2
Dorothy – 1/10/99 Two women whose fathers were Christchurch doctors look back on their early years. Margaret Royds (nee MacGibbon) – born 1910 I believe I was a very fortunate child. I was well cared for and my needs were well met. I lived in a disciplined environment and we children respected what was expected…

Growing Up In New Zealand, Part 1
Interview with Dorothy – 24/9/99 Growing up in New Zealand in the first quarter of the twentieth century. Roger Ballantyne (born in 1909) recalls a life of busy activity as he grew up. The Ballantyne family at Nydfa. Left to right: Colin, Ronald, Roger, and Gertrude Photo source Roger Ballantyne Click here to view a…