Designasaur * design, traffic, intersections, new zealand traffic

Ged Maybury – 25/4/98 Design. You hear a lot about it these days. Social programmes are designed. Software is designed. Coffee is designed. Everything is designed, including the genes of our most famous fruit. I’m talking about the ‘Zespri’, that jet-setting designer kiwifruit of the nineties. It has also been patented and copyrighted and trademarked,…

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Off-Road Or Off The Rails?

– Kriston – 12/12/96 What has become of me? I have sub-consciously become part of a modern man’s complex. I bought a 4X4, diesel Landcruiser and somehow displayed the latest of modern man’s urban inadequacies. The sale of 4X4 vehicles is the major growth area in NZ vehicle sales. I suspect the reasons are two-fold….

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