Unravelling the mysteries of stuttering

Unravelling the mysteries of stuttering Reprinted from *Canterbury – Volume 5, No 1, Winter 2008 Jeanette Colman – 27/06/08 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, scientist Isaac Newton, author Lewis Carroll and movie star Marilyn Monroe all shared one trait – they stuttered. Considered one of the best orators in parliament, Churchill discreetly hummed to get…

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University of Canterbury’s expert help to Olympic athletes

Reprinted from the University of Canterbury’s “Chronicle” When cyclist Sarah Ulmer said after the Olympic Games that her Olympic success was a victory for all those who had helped her prepare for the Athens Games, she was referring to people like the mechanical engineering and sport science experts at the University of Canterbury. Sarah Ulmer…

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Dutton’s “Arts and Letters Daily”

Reprinted from University of Canterbury’s “Chronicle” – 16/07/04 Associate Professor Denis Dutton (Philosophy) has been named by Time magazine as among “the most influential media personalities in the world.” Associate Professor Dennis Dutton (Philosophy) Click here to view a larger version The accolade appears in the June 14 American edition in an article on the…

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