Low Cost PR advice online

An interview with Tom Brockett Dorothy – 13/05/03

Tom Brockett

Tom Brockett

The phrase Public Relations Consultancy for most small business people conjures up images of large and ongoing costs. It is to save such people that headache and help them succeed in their businesses that Tom Brockett decided to set up a business where at a fraction of the usual cost he can offer advice on communication needs online. Assessing communication needs, business promotion, media relations, news releases, establishing and maintaining a market profile, advising on promotional activities, writing press releases, brochure material or newsletters, even online training for staff involved in public relations – all come within the range of the services offered.

Managers of small businesses are often filling multiple roles and the demands made on them in other roles sometimes makes them postpone giving attention to communication. Regular reminders about what must be done to maintain the company’s profile are also part of the service.

Access to experienced public relations consultants has not previously been available at low cost. A small monthly retainer fee gives them access to a whole range of core services.

How can such services be offered at low cost? Working from home Tom saves the cost of leasing and running an office. Assisting clients on line means that there are no travel costs, no costly printing and stationery, and no staff salaries.

How did Tom Brockett gain the necessary experience in public relations consulting? He began his working life as a school teacher and taught English, history and geography in a secondary school – in itself a training ground for communication skills! Feeling that he preferred to communicate outside the classroom he started sending articles to the Waikato Times and was offered a job as a cadet reporter – great experience tackling up to ten stories a day on a wide range of topics.

Then he spent three years as the Waikato Times’ parliamentary correspondent in the Press Gallery. His next move was into public relations which he found a sufficient challenge to interest him for thirty years.

He helped establish Network Communications (NZ) which became one of New Zealand’s major PR companies, with branches overseas as well. He was a founding member of the Christchurch branch of PRINZ (Public Relations Institute of New Zealand), and its chairman for two years, and has just completed a three year stint on the local committee. On the national scene he is convenor of the PRINZ Ethics Panel. He was a member of the International Public Relations Association (IPRA), was the New Zealand corresponding member for two years and was a Director on the IPRA Board for two terms. He was a speaker at international conferences and helped organise professional development seminars for IPRA in several parts of the world.

Retirement did not hold enough to interest him so he set up businesspromotion.co.nz so that he could use his accumulated experience to help other businesses to thrive.

Improved communication lifts a business’s success rate To quote from the website, “An idea, a process or a product that is generated in isolation and hidden from the fabric of society can never provide anything apart from satisfaction to the manufacturer or the thinker.”

Tom recalls helping an association of small traders. They didn’t know how to get their industry concerns heard. With his help they set up a promotional arm for the industry which enabled them to have a national profile rather than operating only in their own local areas. Through that they were able to bring industry concerns to a level of national interest.

A farm product was introduced into New Zealand and the cost of advertising to farmers nationwide was enormous. The way they overcame this was to inform the target audience through the media rather than advertising. Stories were developed showing the benefits farmers would get by using the product and these were sent to farming magazines. This meant that the product was launched by the media rather than by advertising, and the result was greatly reduced expenditure.

Ethical principles Tom Brockett’s strong sense of ethics throughout his career without doubt would be a factor in his appointment to work with the Ethics Panel of PRINZ. In running businesspromotion.co.nz he of course adheres to the ethical principles defined by the Code of Ethics developed and imposed by the Public Relations Institute of New Zealand. This requires members to be honest and open in all advice given to clients, to respect the confidentiality of client information, not to mislead or abuse public channels of communication and abide by the laws of New Zealand. The Code is available on the public pages of the PRINZ website www.prinz.org.nz

Online PR advice a world first Tom Brockett acknowledges that the concept for the website was developed by his Australian associate Jim Pritchitt, principal of businesspublicity Pty Ltd. The use of email to make and keep contact with the clients about their public relations concerns using a website as a consultancy base is a world first. They did an extensive search of the web for similar sites but could not find anything that provided the range of services they offer on line.

Planned communication vital for success Tom says, “PR (communication) is a vital part of all business. But it is often undertaken on an adhoc basis or only when circumstances force managers to think about it. Planned communication – to staff, to existing and
potential customers and to a host of other individuals and organisations that do or may impact on business success is often put in the too hard basket.

“Planned communication is also seen as yet another unwelcome business overhead that many small businesses believe they can’t afford. Yet good communication advice need not be expensive and for many small businesses, all that is required is an experienced nudge in the right direction and some initial help in writing materials or developing ideas on how to reach important groups in an effective way.”

For more detail about businesspromotion.co.nz go to the website, or telephone Tom at Christchurch 3524 670.